[dropcap style=”style1″]P[/dropcap]layers of “Co Kiem Ky Dam” will have a chance to meet 5 beautiful female Game Masters Pon, Bảo Bối, Trang Mun, Surri, and Xí Muội again.
Vietgame.asia – From June 25 to June 28, 9pm to 9:30pm, 5 female GM of Co Kiem Ky Dam willshow up in 5 different servers (from S1 to S16). Players will need to find them, take a picture as proof and post on fanpage to receive Giftcode.Step 1: Find Co Kiem Ky Dam GMs and annouce the info in world chat.
Step 2: Like, share, and tag 5 friends
Step 3: When you find the GMs, take a picture of them and post on Co Kiem Ky Dam Fanpage with your real email to receive Giftcode, included::
- Ngan phieu 100 van x 3
- Phu bao ve nguyen dan x 2
- Tui ngoc lv 2 x 5
- Binh mau lon x 5
For more informations about the “Finding GM” event, please visit here or Co Kiem Ky Dam Homepage, Fanpage and Group.[su_icon_panel background=”transparent” border=”1px none #cccccc” shadow=”0px 0px 0px #eeeeee” icon=”icon: html5″ icon_color=”#1f6dc9″ icon_size=”70″ url=”http://cokiemkydam.vn/teaser”][/su_icon_panel][su_icon_panel background=”transparent” border=”1px none #cccccc” shadow=”0px 0px 0px #eeeeee” icon=”icon: facebook-square” icon_color=”#1f6dc9″ icon_size=”70″ url=”https://www.facebook.com/cokiemkd.sohagame”][/su_icon_panel][su_icon_panel background=”transparent” border=”1px none #cccccc” shadow=”0px 0px 0px #eeeeee” icon=”icon: android” icon_color=”#1f6dc9″ icon_size=”70″ url=”https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fanren.jxy.chs.soha”][/su_icon_panel][su_icon_panel background=”transparent” border=”1px none #cccccc” shadow=”0px 0px 0px #eeeeee” icon=”icon: apple” icon_color=”#1f6dc9″ icon_size=”70″ url=”https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/co-kiem-ky-am-kiem-hiep-tinh/id981759925?ls=1&mt=8″][/su_icon_panel]Thanks, SohaGame. Images by SohaGame.