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Mobile gets a new turn-based tactics game – “Shadow Corps”

[dropcap style=”style1″]F[/dropcap]innish developer has just announced its first game: a turn-based tactics RPG called Shadow Corps.

It comes from Brimstone Interactive, which is made up people who used to work for Supercell (Clash of Clans), RedLynx (Trials), and Mountain Sheep (Bike Baron).NEWS_MOB_SHADOW CORPSYour job is to explore the galaxy, bouncing from planet to planet, taking out warlords and mercenaries who threaten the peace of the cosmos, by shooting them in the face.

You’ll also recruit and train a squad of elite troops, upgrade your spaceship, and equip your squad with powerful weaponry. And when you’re not fighting, you can discover ancient alien artifacts.

Thanks, Pocketgamer.* Images supported by Mountain Sheep.

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