[dropcap style=”style1″]S[/dropcap]After one month of being released, “Ngoa Long Mobile” on iOS has still got its attractiveness and gained attention from players as familiar and convenient function.
Vietgame.asia – Right when the information of iOS version leaked, Ngoa Long Mobile fanpage has received many positive responses as well as questions about the official release time, gamers all expected to experience the game by themselves as soon as possible.
First impression of Ngoa Long Mobile on iOS to gamers mostly surround the nice interface, sharp images, lively graphic together with smooth operation. Player with nick name Daigianhala shared:”iOS version looks better with nice interface, general appearance differs a lot to each other making more interesting, the overall look is nice at first!”
Besides appearance advantages mentioned above, functions such as “Vo Hon”, “Dap Binh” or “Ngao Du” quickly received positive comments. At the official Ngoa Long Mobile fanpage, gamers “Ngoa Long Cong Tu” shared: ”Vo Hon function looks interesting, faster operation, enhanced a lot. Increase in attack, “binh luc”, dodge,… does not matter at all”.
Meanwhile, another gamer “Doc Chien” shared: “Dap Binh is nothing to do with skills, the thing is luck but awards are nice. Silver, Chien Cong, dumpling, meat, wine are nice but hopefully I can get things that can increase “Pham chat vo tuong”. However, there were contribution comments for the game to improve more in the perspective of players.
Ngoa Long Mobile is now available on App Store and Google Play.
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