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Tru Tien 4D reveals an attracted clip about classes in game

Tru Tien 4D - Tru Tiên 4D hé lộ clip siêu hấp dẫn về các lớp nhân vật trong game
[dropcap style=”style1″]T[/dropcap]he publisher revealed that “Tru Tien 4D” has now completed the final preparation and is ready to launch in the first week of August 2015. – Besides, Tru Tien 4D continues showing off an extremely attractive clips about the classes in the game. Four character classes of Tru Tien 4D include: But Su, Phap Luan, Quyen Than and Kiem Khach. Each class has its strengths and different advantages, players will have to choose depending on their purposes.

Kiem Khach is a class that has high physical attack power – “One man can fight ten enemies!” – with the sword skills such as “Xuat Nhap Thanh Minh” or “Thanh Lien Kiem Ca”. Kiem Khach can use blade and sword, but lacked highlight attributes.

But Su is capable of controlling everything in the palm of her hand, with high vitality and resistant against the powerful attack from the enemies. However, the ability to attack of But Su is low. The ultimate skill of this class is “Hao Nhien Chinh Khi Ca”, “Thien Dia Dong Ca” can restrain the enemies.

In addition, But Su looks very “cute” and lovely, that why female gamers usually “prefer” this class.

Phap Luan has a “Rotating metal ring” rotates around the body, can attack enemies from distance, the skill “Dai Ngu Hanh Diet Tuyet”, orBach Kiep Bang Lien” can take life immediately. “Nhat Nguyet Kim Luan” is the weapon with super strong offensive and flexibility, helping Phap Luan to overwhelm her opponents. However, Phap Luan has low vitality.

Quyen Than has powerful dual gauntlets and fastest skills, but do not has the power as strong as Kiem Khach. With high flexibility and critical attack, using many skills such as “Nhat Quyen Hoanh Thien”, “Ma Kha Vo Luong”, Quyen Than is a good choice in team fights. The only disadvantage of Quyen Than is cannot use magic.

Which classes is your favorite character in Tru Tien 4D? For more information please visit Fanpage. [su_icon_panel background=”transparent” border=”1px none #cccccc” shadow=”0px 0px 0px #eeeeee” icon=”icon: facebook-square” icon_color=”#1f6dc9″ icon_size=”70″ url=””][/su_icon_panel] Thanks, INGAME Online. Images by INGAME Online.

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