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Blizzard may be unveiling another “Hearthstone” adventure during Blizzcon 2015

Blizzard có thể sẽ hé lộ phần "Hearthstone" mới tại Blizzcon 2015
[dropcap style=”style1″]T[/dropcap]he Grand Tournament expansion is still fresh for Hearthstone players, having been out barely a month. This, however, isn’t stopping Blizzard on working on more new content for their popular TCG. – Rumors are already starting to circulate that a new Hearthstone adventure will be unveiled at this year’s Blizzcon. Hearthstone Adventures are single-player content within Hearthstone.

We already have had two of them: Blackrock Mountain and Curse of Naxxramas. There are also new cards introduced with these adventures, but no where near the amount that are found in an expansion like The Grand Tournament or Goblins vs Gnomes. The new cards are also earned by completing the adventure levels.

So what is all of this about a new adventure being revealed at Blizzcon 2015? Well there is a Hearthstone panel being held at Blizzcon 2015 called “Hearthstone: What’s Next?” which sounds pretty interesting. Attendees are invited to “hear a tale of adventures yet to come!” and if you know anything about Blizzard, they do not tease or say things like that without having a meaning behind it. It isn’t a huge leap to believe that a new Hearthstone Adventure will be unveiled at that panel.

Blizzcon 2015 is taking place on November 6th and 7th and if a new adventure is revealed during that panel, then we can expect it to show up either in December 2015 or January 2016. Having it arrive right before the holiday season wouldn’t be much of a surprise. So, what adventure theme do you think would be revealed if one is actually unveiled? We already have Blackrock and Naxxramas, so maybe Cataclysm or another Dragon-based one?[su_icon_panel background=”transparent” border=”1px none #cccccc” shadow=”0px 0px 0px #eeeeee” icon=”icon: html5″ icon_color=”#1f6dc9″ icon_size=”70″ url=””][/su_icon_panel][su_icon_panel background=”transparent” border=”1px none #cccccc” shadow=”0px 0px 0px #eeeeee” icon=”icon: facebook-square” icon_color=”#1f6dc9″ icon_size=”70″ url=”″][/su_icon_panel][su_icon_panel background=”transparent” border=”1px none #cccccc” shadow=”0px 0px 0px #eeeeee” icon=”icon: android” icon_color=”#1f6dc9″ icon_size=”70″ url=””][/su_icon_panel][su_icon_panel background=”transparent” border=”1px none #cccccc” shadow=”0px 0px 0px #eeeeee” icon=”icon: apple” icon_color=”#1f6dc9″ icon_size=”70″ url=”″][/su_icon_panel]

Thanks, DroidGamers
Images by DroidGamers

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