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Frozen Synapse Prime Has Just Hit The App Store

Frozen Synapse Prime Has Just Hit The App Store
[dropcap style=”style1″]D[/dropcap]ouble Eleven had decided to brings Frozen Synapse’s remake, “Frozen Synapse Prime”, to iOS after the Steam and Vita release. – If you like strategy games even a bit, then you probably already know all about Mode 7 Game’s Frozen Synapse, the ultra-stylish and ultra-demanding turn-based strategy game that really stood out when it was originally released on the PC and then ported to iOS. The game was incredibly unforgiving, which was part of its charm as it rewarded meticulous planning.

Now, Double Eleven had decided to brings its remake, Frozen Synapse Prime, to iOS after the Steam and Vita release. Double Eleven took Frozen Synapse and redesigned it to make it more accessible while still retaining the original game’s charm. The game was received quite well, with many players claiming they prefer this version of the game over the original.

According to the description of Frozen Synapse Prime‘s PC version (which will be more or less the same as the iOS version), the game now boasts a full 3D presentation that fleshes out the original’s minimalist art style into a game that has kill cams, cinematic replays and more. Frozen Synapse Prime‘s tactics also offer new options that didn’t exist in Frozen Synapse such as Slide, Sweep, Room Selection, and so on.

Finally, Frozen Synapse Prime offers a “Replay Theater” that lets you rewatch your matches to figure out why that one guy got his face blown off. Now, the App Store description doesn’t mention a multiplayer mode (while the PC version has a pretty good multiplayer mode), so proceed with caution.

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Thanks, Touch Arcade.

Images by Google.

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