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More than 1000 players of “Mong Giang Ho” had joined Dai Hoi Vo Lam offline

Hơn 1000 game thủ "Mộng Giang Hồ" đội mưa đến dự offline Đại Hội Võ Lâm
[dropcap style=”style1″]A[/dropcap]t 8am June 6 2015, Mong Giang Ho has officially welcomed all the players to join in Dai Hoi Vo Lam offline – Vuot Mong Len Dinh. – In the offline, Mong Giang Ho has shared many informations about the future plan: the game will have small update every week and big update every month, with many hot feature, new champion, improve PK system and organize leagues for Mong Giang Ho gaming community.

The other highlight of the offline is Quan Anh Doat Bao tournament with the mode of competition just like other eSports game. Here are some pictures at this exciting offline:hon-1000-game-thu-mong-giang-ho-doi-mua-den-du-offline-dai-hoi-vo-lamhon-1000-game-thu-mong-giang-ho-doi-mua-den-du-offline-dai-hoi-vo-lamhon-1000-game-thu-mong-giang-ho-doi-mua-den-du-offline-dai-hoi-vo-lamhon-1000-game-thu-mong-giang-ho-doi-mua-den-du-offline-dai-hoi-vo-lamhon-1000-game-thu-mong-giang-ho-doi-mua-den-du-offline-dai-hoi-vo-lamhon-1000-game-thu-mong-giang-ho-doi-mua-den-du-offline-dai-hoi-vo-lamhon-1000-game-thu-mong-giang-ho-doi-mua-den-du-offline-dai-hoi-vo-lamhon-1000-game-thu-mong-giang-ho-doi-mua-den-du-offline-dai-hoi-vo-lam Beside the show, the players also enjoy the lucky lottery to get 5 millions VIP code. With the success of the offline, Mong Giang Ho’s team promise that they will organize more events and activities for the gaming community in the future.

Mong Giang Ho is available now on Google Play, App Store and Mobo Games. For more information about Mong Giang Ho, please visit its honepage or fanpage.

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