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Rayman Adventures is free to play and out now in soft-launch!

Rayman Adventures is free to play and out now in soft-launch!
[dropcap style=”style1″]I[/dropcap]t probably shouldn’t be surprising, but Ubisoft’s newly announced platformer “Rayman Adventures” is set to be a free to play game, with in-app purchases.

Vietgame.asiaRayman Adventures just appeared on the New Zealand App Store, as part of a soft launch, and it hasn’t got a price point. “Rayman Adventures is a free to play game,” reads the description.

It seems like the monetisation is based around fluffy monsters called Incrediballs. They help you out during levels, finding secrets and fighting baddies, but they need to be fed and cared for – which costs cash.

Rayman Adventures features a similar visual stye as the previous two titles – being made in the same UbiArt Framework engine – but manages to somehow look even more impressive.

Rayman (or Barbara) still run automatically, with taps and swipes to jump and attack. Only, you can now change their direction with a swipe. So, you get more freedom to tackle levels but it still has a mobile-friendly control scheme.

Rayman Adventures will launch this Autumn. If you have a cheeky New Zealand App Store account (or, you know, actual New Zealanders) can go grab Rayman Adventures right now.

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Thanks, Pocketgamer.

Images by Google.

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