[dropcap style=”style1″]T[/dropcap]he launch of the free version of popular puzzler “Threes!” in June doubled its creator’s daily income throughout its launch month.
Vietgame.asia – Designer Asher Vollmer has been tweeting about the performance of Threes! and its recently-released free version. It comes over a year after the initial paid release, and while the paid game did really well for him and his team by most accounts, there was some question as to whether the free version would be worthwhile so long after the paid version released.
Asher Vollmer made this information public on Twitter yesterday. He also shared some graphs that showed how the paid version’s revenue compared to the ads revenue in the past month.
The premium version of the game is the graph on top while the free version is below.
You can’t tell which version made more revenue without the numbers running up the side of these graphs. But, whatever the case, there’s no denying that the free version certainly boosted the sales of the premium version.
The free version of Threes! was released a month ago and is available on the App Store and Google Play.
The premium version of Threes! costs $2.99 and can be purchased on the App Store, Google Play, and the Amazon App Store.
[su_icon_panel background=”transparent” border=”1px none #cccccc” shadow=”0px 0px 0px #eeeeee” icon=”icon: html5″ icon_color=”#1f6dc9″ icon_size=”70″ url=”http://asherv.com/threes/”][/su_icon_panel][su_icon_panel background=”transparent” border=”1px none #cccccc” shadow=”0px 0px 0px #eeeeee” icon=”icon: twitter-square” icon_color=”#1f6dc9″ icon_size=”70″ url=”https://twitter.com/ThreesGame”][/su_icon_panel][su_icon_panel background=”transparent” border=”1px none #cccccc” shadow=”0px 0px 0px #eeeeee” icon=”icon: android” icon_color=”#1f6dc9″ icon_size=”70″ url=”https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=vo.threes.exclaim”][/su_icon_panel][su_icon_panel background=”transparent” border=”1px none #cccccc” shadow=”0px 0px 0px #eeeeee” icon=”icon: apple” icon_color=”#1f6dc9″ icon_size=”70″ url=”https://itunes.apple.com/app/id779157948″][/su_icon_panel]
Thanks, Pocketgamer.
Images by Google.