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Tru Tien 4D giving free Smartphone to a gamer having smashed iPhone when hunting Boss

Tru tien 4D - NPH "Tru Tiên 4D" tặng Smartphone cho gamer ức chế “đập Iphone khi săn Boss”
[dropcap style=”style1″]H[/dropcap]earing about a rumor telling a player crashing his iPhone as unsuccessful hunts for bosses, publisher of the game “Tru Tien 4D” has made contact to him having an interview to find out the problem and decided to give him a new smartphone for free. – Let us just find out the conversation between a member of the Publisher and the gamer!

TT4D: Hello, can you tell me a little bit about yourself?

Gamer: Hi everyone, I’m Au Duy Long, 14 years old, I live in Germany with parents. I have played this game since the beginning with the nick (˚•KuBin•˚), server S1 – Tien Gioi, been VIP13.

TT4D: As far as we know, you have destroyed your iPhone while hunting boss and post the picture of it with a word “Thanks”. So how come?

Gamer: Other players discussed a lot and trolled each other. Some had a funny saying if that was a chance for you to get iPhone 6 plus in the event this November “Dap Trung Hung iPhone” hold by Tru Tien 4D. After hunting boss in the 20th time, I got pissed off and throw it away.

TT4D: So because of unsuccessfully hunting boss in Tru Tien 4D, you did throw your phone?

Gamer: At that time I was angry, just thinking about smashing something and the iPhone I was holding.

NPH "Tru Tiên 4D" tặng Smartphone cho gamer ức chế “đập Iphone khi săn Boss”

TT4D: Oh, it’s quite shocked that the rumor is right. The managers of game Tru Tien 4D want to give you a smartphone as a gift, how do you feel?

Gamer: Crashing my phone is 100% true. However, it is not the false of Tru Tien 4D. Hunting Boss and conquer difficulty in this game is normal, the harder it gets, the more interesting it is, but the reason was the anger. I do thank and appreciate the attention from managers, but I would like not to receive the gift. This is my false and I only want to get the phone with my best effort, not with scandal like this time.

TT4D: Thanks for your thought. Tru Tien 4D said thank you and appreciate your decision. And do you have any comment on gameplay or meet any difficulty?

Gamer: Tru Tiên 4D for me is not only good but also a motivation whenever I am lonely in Germany. Here I have very few friends and thanks to this game, I have chance to make Vietnamese friends.

As my thought, this game is a quite good mobile game with good graphic, good boss hunts and nice battles. Even though it is hard but it gets more interesting every now and then. The thing I like most is characters with Chibi style, nice fashion. Those are dressed with bunny ear, headphones,… Voice chat is also a plus.

NPH "Tru Tiên 4D" tặng Smartphone cho gamer ức chế “đập Iphone khi săn Boss”

TT4D: Do you have any message for other gamers playing Tru Tien 4D?

Gamer: I feel that this game is pretty good, create opportunity for everyone getting close. I also want Tru Tien 4D should listen and care more about gamer feelings. I am happy and thanks Tru Tien 4D for giving me such a comfortable conversation. Wish Tru Tien 4D community become more developed and successful!

TT4D: Thanks for your sharing.

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Thanks, INGAME Online..
Images by INGAME Online.

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