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Than Long Giang The – Tencent martial game coming to Vietnam

Thần Long Giáng Thế - Game võ hiệp đẳng cấp Tencent sắp về Việt Nam
[dropcap style=”style1″]T[/dropcap]han Long Giang The is the first martial game from Tencent, which has made a remarkable 6 million players signing in at the same time in December 2014. – For a long time, gamer all around Asia has always paid attention on Tencent. Because they know that the game is made perfectly and prepared very well the graphic, plots, gameplay, especially martial games.

Tencent has never disappoint players with experience. For instance, Than Long Giang The is the first martial game from them, which has made a remarkable 6 million players signing in at the same time in December 2014. With such achievement, SohaGame has decided to suggest a cooperation with Tencent to bring Than Long Giang The to Vietnamese players, in the middle August 2015. Let us have a look on it.than-long-giang-the-game-vo-hiep-dang-cap-tencent-sap-ve-viet-nam-3As far as we can see, Than Long Giang The is a version next to the Chan Long Giang The, which was a webgame and once released in Vietnam. Besides the plots leading the old version, Than Long Giang The truly spent Tencent’s money on better graphic, gameplay and suitable for mobile game.

The plot is about a couple with the last life being fairies, having a dream to fight for the right. However, randomly walking in a jungle, they both discovered secrets of the lost book of Thuy Long Than. At the same time, there was a rumor about couple having the secrets of Thuy Long Than. They were unwilling to be aimed by bad guys who want the secrets.


Skill systems is a important point. Every person that players adopted along the way will have different material arts. When player meets the boss, they have to analyze the material arts to form suitable boss killing team.

Additionally, skill effects are eyecatching making player watch the whole battle. Than Long Giang The was design with water graphic which is unique and fine. Characters are made with unique animations and conversations seem to be funny with lovely emotions.

We will get more updated information of Than Long Giang The in next news. [su_icon_panel background=”transparent” border=”1px none #cccccc” shadow=”0px 0px 0px #eeeeee” icon=”icon: html5″ icon_color=”#1f6dc9″ icon_size=”70″ url=””][/su_icon_panel][su_icon_panel background=”transparent” border=”1px none #cccccc” shadow=”0px 0px 0px #eeeeee” icon=”icon: facebook-square” icon_color=”#1f6dc9″ icon_size=”70″ url=””][/su_icon_panel] Thanks, SohaGame. Images by SohaGame.

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